Lulise "Taken" (Track Review)

Oscar Rendon | St. Louis, MO | July 23rd, 2019


ABOUT LULISE|Lulise has been developing her old soul from a young age. The inundation of R&B legends, such as Stevie Wonder and Donny Hathaway, into her universe only added more gasoline to the fire of musical notes and melodies burning inside of her. Even her stage name, which was inspired by the Spanish word for moon, "Luna," holds a profound significance rooted in her desire to draw the moon's "light, beauty, and natural power," into her womanhood.

Track Review

“Taken” is the follow up to Lulise’s “Read My Hips” and it has a vibe I can only describe as a 90’s R&B throwback that lives in the present and it works almost like a Destiny’s Child and Ariana Grande mashup. Lulise’s voice is so smooth and harmonic it becomes the highlight of the song, never overpowered by the music in the background. Although the song and Lulise’s emotion come off as vulnerable I would also add that the song delves into a sense of desire which sometimes can come off cheesy but works greatly here with not only the instrumentation and vibe of the song but because the lyrics coming out of Lulise feel real and never too forced. Overall, this is a summer song you can play in the car, on the beach, or even by the lake while on vacation and relaxing. Lulise’s voice is pitch perfect and you can’t argue with a catchy chorus. “Taken” is out now and we would’t be surprised if you hear it and Lulise make a splash soon.

The Grade